Eco Steam Worx

EcoSteamWorx tasked us to improve their social media marketing. Since their service was so innovative we executed a campaign that focused on showing people the interesting technology that ESW uses. The campaign resulted in a high number of enquiries on social media.

Client:Eco Steam Worx
Instagram: @ecosteamworx
Date: July 25, 2021
Services:Marketing, Digital, Video Production

Social Strategy

We ran a couple ads that were both hilarious and attention grabbing. The goal was to design commercials that were eye-catching and piqued people's curiosity. The advertisements elicited strong responses from the intended audience, resulting in the generation of leads.

Creative Direction

Content On Deck

Our daily publishing of photographs and videos allowed us to remain visible on our viewers' newsfeeds and, as a result, to cement the brand's presence in their minds.